
  • Post-Doctoral Position – 2 years

    Post-Doctoral Position – 2 years

    Hi! PARIS is the new interdisciplinary Center on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society created by Instut Polytechnique de Paris (IP […]

  • Journalism and AI, a Workshop at l’ESJ-Lille

    Journalism and AI, a Workshop at l’ESJ-Lille

    On Friday, November 17th, Etienne, Emma & Rubing organized a work session at l’Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille. The workshop was part of a […]

  • NLP & Social Sciences Seminar 2023/24 – Program

    NLP & Social Sciences Seminar 2023/24 – Program

    The NLP & Social Sciences Seminar meets regularly throughout the semester. The sessions where we welcome external speakers are open to the public (via Zoom; […]

  • Textual Politics: International Workshop

    Textual Politics: International Workshop

    For two days, on March 9th and 10th, 2023, Sciences Po Medialab and the CSS initiative at l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris organized a two-days workshop in Paris. The conference brought together scholars involved in two international research projects.

  • Post-Doc position in AI & Social Sciences

    Post-Doc position in AI & Social Sciences

    Hi ! Paris, the interdisciplinary center for AI & Society, is currently looking for applicants to a 2-years post-doctoral position. Starting in the Fall of 2023, the candidate could work within the CSS initiative at CREST.

  • Ph.D. Scholarships at CREST

    Ph.D. Scholarships at CREST

    The Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST) will once again offer several 3-year doctoral scholarpships in each of its core disciplines. The CREST […]

  • [Publication] The Augmented Social Scientist

    [Publication] The Augmented Social Scientist

    In an article for Sociological Methods and Research, Salomé Do, Étienne Ollion and Rubing Shen show how social scientists can leverage recent advances in natural […]

  • Chris Bail – “A New paradigm for Research on Social Media”

    Chris Bail – “A New paradigm for Research on Social Media”

    Chris Bail, Duke Professor & Director of the Polarization Lab, came for a special seminar on his new paradigm for resarch in social media. The […]

  • SICSS Paris 2023

    SICSS Paris 2023

    From June 19 to June 30, 2023, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris-CREST will sponsor a Summer Institute in Computational Social Sciences. The purpose of the […]

  • Full course on Digital Strategies for Social Scientists (in French)

    Full course on Digital Strategies for Social Scientists (in French)

    A full, free course to learn how to collect structured and unstructured data. Scrape the internet, parse a database, learn how to use regexes while […]